It only takes an hour and a half to get to the airport. We check into premium. A Virgin sales rep tries hard to get us to upgrade to upper class. It’s massively discounted and in a moment of madness we consider it but fortunately common sense eventually prevails. We check through the airport and go for brekkie in the worst value for restaurant ever. My “healthy breakfast” cost £4.95 and consists of tinned fruit with a dollop of yoghurt and a spoonful of museli. An orange juice is £2.50 (and it’s not fresh!). Peruse the duty free. As John is with me the beautiful Mulberry handbag and big bottle of Estee Lauder perfume I spot remain resolutely on their shelves and the credit card stays in my wallet. The boarding gate is full of Japanese people with bursting Burberry bags. Feel smug as I count the pounds saved. Our only purchase is a travel adaptor and packet of plasters. The plane taxies to the runway – we’re off! Oh wait, no we’re at the end of a long queue of aircraft. We’ll be off soon! Oh no, we won’t…. 45 minutes later and we finally take to the skies and the adventure begins.

The plane is about one third full – I’ve never been on such an empty aircraft! There are 56 seats in premium and 12 people. We more or less have one air hostess each! It’s a 12 hour flght – I occupy it watching 3 movies, typing this blog, eating, drinking and reading my novel. The seats are wide and comfortable but nevertheless I can’t help admiring the beds in upper class.