Woke to an overcast day – it’s disappointing but at least it’s not raining. Decide to go for a walk around the Sound. There’s a one and a half hour trail to follow but it takes us just under an hour. It’s a beautiful route through dense vegetation with the water below us and the odd house built on stilts high up in the mountain. Take lots of photos en route and keep an eye out for the elusive kiwi but all we see are some footprints in the mud! The sun comes out as we return from our walk and so we spend yet another chilled afternoon swimming, hot tubbing and sunbathing. At one point I ask John to bring the camera down to the beach to take some photos while I swim. Aim for the little beach that the floatplane landed on. As we walk down we can hear voices and all of a sudden John doubles back and I ask what the problem is? “It’s the Germans” he hissed, “they’re sunbathing in the nude”. Oops! I haven’t got anything against nude sunbathing, but don’t particularly want to sit next to the Germans displaying their wares, especially with John with a camera – that might look very odd! Retreat over to the water by the hot tub and John persuades me to flip off the back of the jetty into the water – even though it’s cold I did it! Suitably warmed in the hot tub we return to pack. Lynley’s home made pizza for dinner again and cold unoaked chardonnay makes for another peaceful evening.  The only problem with Hopewell is the midgies and another time (yes I’d love to come back!) I’d bring insect repellent.