Before our release(!) we go on the prison tour, which is quite informative, amusing and gruesome by turn. Wave goodbye to the other backpackers and start out back on the long road to comfort. Have an uneventful 4 hour drive down to Martinborough. We stop halfway for lunch at a very rural retreat – 1970’s style – and actually see some senior citizens! These ones have made it out to freedom. Eventually get to Martinborough – our posh, colonial-style, hotel is on Memorial Square which is laid out in the shape of a Union Jack. Martinborough is wine nuts. The place is full of wine stores, restaurants, classy little boutique shops and cafes. Talk to a very helpful chap in the Martinborough Wine Centre who shows us a good walking trail and gives us a map of the local vineyards. Later have dinner at the local arts house cinema. No films we want to see so have a leisurely meal – it’s raining quite a lot and worry about the weather tomorrow.