Ursula, Peter & Gill are late meeting us (they’re staying at a different hotel) – so step into the cafe next door to our hotel for breakfast – which is delicious.  Once they arrive we take taxis over to the Weta Cave at Miramar near to the airport.  Weta created the special effects for the Lords of the Rings and many other movies.  They have a “behind the scenes” video and various examples of their work – see my photos!  They do some cgi work but mainly they actually make things – such as swords, chainmail, beautiful leatherwork, armour and also moulded plastic to create skin suits for actors portraying orcs and daleks etc.  After Weta we all go to the airport.  Have coffee together before Ursula, Peter & Gill leave on the 1pm flight and then Catherine, John & I wander around the shops and grab some lunch before she heads off at 3pm.  Catch the bus back to the city and go to see “Slumdog Millionaire” (brilliant film) at the cinema just down the road from us, which used to be a lovely theatre, and still has beautiful lights and Victorian tiles.  Pizza for dinner and then back to our hotel for an early night and to catch up on this blog.