Up at 6.30am ready for our trip!  The skies are clear and the sun is coming out as we walk down to the Dolphin Encounter centre.  Have breakfast and wait to go out on our trip.  Disaster strikes.  The Dolphin Encounter rep tells us that the sea conditions are very bad.  The rain yesterday has dirtied the water and the earlier trip (yes there is an earlier one) has found the dolphins are travelling rapidly away from shore.  There is also a seasickness warning.  They offer to take us out on a wildlife trip (where we won’t be able to swim) or our money back.  I can’t conceal my disappointment – I was desperately looking forward to swimming with the dolphins but in the end agree with John to get our money back and be put on a waitlist for trips the following day (when conditions may improve).  We have a walk into town and check out the Whale Watch Station (we’re scheduled on a whale watch trip tomorrow at 10am) then while we’re having lunch the Dolphin Encounter people call!  They have two places available on the 5.30am tour tomorrow morning so we’re booked again!  We’ll have to go straight from dolphin swimming to our whale watch trip so it’s going to be an intense morning!  In the afternoon we walk away from the town to the seal colony point.  It’s turned into a beautiful day and it’s a very pleasant walk along the sea edge.  We reach the seal colony and, hurrah, there are seals there sunbathing on the rocks.  Take a load of photos and then stroll back.  It’s been a great afternoon.  Have dinner at another local bar/restaurant run by an English guy.  It has lovely views but I suspect his chocolate mousse pudding is actually Angel Delight!  Back to bed early because we are going to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.