Lie in late and then drive down in a leisurely fashion to Rotorua – about 2 hours away.  Check in to the Silver Fern motel –  Rotorua is famous for its hot springs and is slighty wiffy.  Decide to take it easy and both have massages (plus a facial for me) at the motel beauty salon.  They use manuka honey products which my skin laps up because it’s dry from the heat.  John cooks steak on the BBQ and have a delicious steak and salad dinner.  Watch movies and chill out in the jacuzzi bath.  All going well until woken by next door.  The motel owner had warned us that there is a reggae festival in town and some of our neighbours are obviously living it up.  Angrily call motel owner in the middle of the night to complain and eventually noise settles down  – but it’s very hot and hard to sleep.  Tonight wish I was back in cool, quiet Norfolk.