We check out of the Anchor Inn motel today.  Dump our stuff at the train station and then wander around the town – there’s not a whole lot to do when only have a few hours before the train leaves so look at the shops, walk along the beach and visit the Kaikoura Museum which tells us about the history of the place and has a load of knic knacks and books of old photos from the first European settlers which are quite interesting.  It’s hot and sunny in the morning but later turns cloudy quite rapidly.  We toy briefly with booking a helicoptor whale watching trip.  It’s expensive but would be a wonderful thing to do – however all the slots for the afternoon are booked so we have to leave it.  It’s probably just as well because the storm clouds are coming in.  The Whale Watch centre is located next to the train station and we notice that all the tours today have been cancelled due to bad sea conditions.  It’s hard to believe because everything looks so calm and peaceful where we are standing, but then I recollect the previous morning – never to be forgotten!  Eventually we go onto the platform to board the train to Christchurch.  Meet up with the American couple we sat opposite on the previous train journey and the two German girls we met in Subway at Picton.  We are all on the same train!  I think we are a good cross-selection of travellers: the German girls are the teenage/early twenties pre-college travellers; we are the (nearly) middle aged professionals on a long holiday from work; and the Americans are the retired couple travelling.  Out of all of us the Americans are the most adventurous: the previous year they completed a 200 mile cycle trip!  The train is half an hour late (not bad) and the journey takes 3 hours and gives me a good chance to finish my latest novel (must make sure I swap this one rather than taking another redundant book home).  It rains on the journy but we arrive to sunshine in Christchurch!  Taxi ride to the city centre and check into the Hotel SO – the trendiest hotel I’ve ever stayed in.  They have a sunshine wake up alarm, changeable coloured lighting, a bathroom that takes up approximate 2m but they still manage to fit in a shower, basin & loo – plus free wireless broadband, a sauna, gym and virtual concierge downstairs so that’s not bad!  Grab a light dinner in the ridiculously trendy bar and then retire – ready to explore Christchurch tomorrow!